Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Materials Update #7 Flashcards & Picture Cards

It's official, we have given a CD of with 72 flashcards and 288 picture cards to the resource team for printing. Now we are waiting for quotes from printers. We will print 500 sets. With the flashcards and picture cards in hand we can actually start the program. The other materials are somewhat supplemental, although completely necessary from our perspective. At least with the flashcards and picture cards the teachers will have most of the raw material with which they can teach and run activities. This has been a VERY long process. Much much longer than we originally anticipated. From coming up with creative ideas for each of the cards, deciding on a list of sounds, blends, alternative spellings and common combinations, contracting out original illustrations for each of the 360 cards, designing the layout, and coming up with appropriate logos, etc. It has been an arduous although exciting process. I am hopeful that once all the materials are finished, this program will be a comprehensive and exciting tool kit for teachers and students. It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but each time we send off something for print, we get one step closer.

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