Saturday, February 17, 2007

Let's Get Going

I considered starting this blog when I started the first module last April, but being the shy, timid, independent, feminist woman that I am...I was hesitant. But a colleague of mine has started a similiar blog, Japan Action Research, and has inspired me to get my butt into gear and start reflecting more on what it is that I'm studying and hopefully learning--how to teach english!

Thankfully, I'm not doing the distance study course alone. I have 3.5 fabulous cohorts that meet up every Monday night on Skype to discuss the readings, upcoming essay assignments, and reflect on what it is that we're trying to accomplish. It's been a lifesaver to have this little group to chat with every week. Especially because they are all much more experienced than myself and I'm learning a lot just from talking to them about their teaching experiences and how they intrepret and interact with the materials we are reading.

Actually, I'm a bit surprised I was even accepted to the program. I technically didn't have the two year teaching requirement (short 4 months) and everyone else is a non-JET. In the academic EFL/ESL world, JETs are slim scum, the bottom of the barrel, the slackers that can't teach and are just in Japan to read manga and pay off their student loans. Okay...well, I know that's not really the case, but admitting that I'm a JET to fellow Bham students is a bit embarrassing!

But I'm trying to make the most of my last JET contract year by devoting my off periods (I do in fact work) to studying. I didn't want to stay three years and have nothing to add to my resume except that extra year. I wanted to start making progress toward something else. That and my next destination is the middle that's another reason why I'm doing the MA. I want to be qualified to get a job there! And after that, I want to get another MA in International & Comparative Education. This is all part of a bigger plan and future life goals. I don't plan on teaching forever. But while I'm teaching, I want to be the best I can be! Studying and doing the MA has helped me actively work towards that! I rarely use old lessons because I know there is something better I can and should be doing! Trying new things, learning new approaches, and testing new ideas is one of the greatest benefits of the MA course so far.

So, I better get more unit and I can be "done" with the Module 3 coursebooks. It's time to get going on that next paper. Oh my!


Steve Herder said...

Great start! I'm green with envy...and inspired to look as good as you babycakes!

Natasha said...

Hello. I was hoping you could give me more information about how you went about applying to do your MA long-distance. Did you have to make special petitions to get distance learner acceptance, or was it just a check the box kind of thing? I'm thinking about trying it myself...